Do you know what the definition is of an “accountant”? Well, that’s someone who solves a problem you didn’t know you had in a way you don’t understand. That is exactly what we are here for – to help you with those specific problems you want solved.
We are proud to offer our clients high quality, yet cost effective, services. Our team of professional accountants and auditors have the experience and know-how to help you with all your needs in the fields of:
Auditing and Independent Reviews
Accounting & Payroll

Auditing and Independent Reviews
Audits and Independent Reviews mean more to us than issuing a report on historic events. We believe in building relationships with our clients and delivering quality services, while we remain independent. As a decision maker, you need to be sure you are acting on reliable information and we can provide you with that confidence.

Acc. & Payments
Accounting & Payroll
Do you need an accountant and/or payroll but cannot afford to hire a full-time person? We can provide these services at extremely reasonable rates.

By staying on top of developments and the frequently changing tax rules, we ensure that you have a clear and full understanding of tax matters, enabling you to make the right decisions in your specific circumstances. Key tax services include personal tax, business tax, VAT and consulting.

Corporate and Secretarial
We understand the importance of corporate governance and the demands made on companies and directors. We can help with company formations, director changes, name reservations, public officer appointment, CIPC and maintenance of company registers to ensure you remain compliant as required by the Companies Act of SA, 2008.

Financial Statements
Compilation of Annual Financial Statements
For those of you who need your company’s financial statements to be externally and/or independently compiled for Audits and Independent Reviews.
Contact Us
Call or email us, using our contact information indicated below.